
Women in Digital: Elaine Hunt

Elaine Hunt, client partner at NTT Data, shares her experience as a woman in digital, including overcoming challenges and embracing mentorship.

Posted 3 February 2025 by Christine Horton

Did you enjoy school?

I really enjoyed school, even though I found it challenging due to my dyslexia. Being an outgoing and chatty person, I found ways to get by and progress despite my challenges. I particularly enjoyed sports and cherished the friendships I formed, many of which have lasted to this day.

What qualifications do you have?

I found exams really challenging – I knew what I wanted to say but could not get it down on paper so moved away from traditional A Levels and thrived in the more practical Business BTEC. My degree in Management, Behaviour in Organisation was a challenge but was also lots of coursework so able to balance out with exams

Has your career path been a smooth transition, a rocky road or a combination of both?

I started in HR but quickly realised when I was sat in an office writing contracts of employment it was not for me. The sales team were next door and the more I engaged with them, I loved the enthusiasm and passion within the team and realised I wanted to be part of that community so I made the jump into sales – I found something I love, lets me work with some wonderful people and no two days are the same.

What specific challenges do you see women facing in the industry?

In recent years, I’ve faced the challenges of balancing work, children, and caring for parents, which can impact our confidence in our ability to perform. My mum was a key carer for my son while we worked, so when she fell ill and passed away within months, it was an incredibly challenging time. I had to reassess my priorities and decided to take time off from work to process my grief and be present for my son. I was fortunate that my workplace was very supportive and gave me the time I needed, but I recognise that not everyone is as fortunate.

What is the best career advice you can give to others?

Be you, be open and talk through challenges you are facing (so often when you open the door you find so many others are in the same position) – I really enjoy being a mentor and often give this advice.

If you had to pick one mentor that had the biggest influence on you, who would it be?

Ursula Mogenstern – be brave and take yourself out of your comfort zone and constantly challenge yourself. That is when you learn and develop.

From where do you draw inspiration?

I find enthusiasm contagious, I love meeting enthusiastic people as they bring the best out in those around them.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced to date?

Over the past few years, menopause has been a challenging experience for me. I didn’t know what to expect, so it took some time to understand what was happening. I recall being out with close friends and feeling like I’d rather be at home in the quiet, which was unlike me. That was when I realised I needed support. My advice is to talk to your friends and support each other. It really helps break down barriers, and knowing you’re not going through it alone makes a big difference.

What qualities do you feel makes a good leader?

Open, honesty and transparency – being your authentic self gains trust in your team

From a work viewpoint, what has the last 12 months been like?

I have loved the past 12 months. Working with the Home Office has been incredibly rewarding, I have met some truly inspiring women and I feel that the work we are doing is making a positive difference in society

What would you say are the biggest tech-based challenges we face today?

The pace of change; the AI revolution is here and is exciting but adapting to the change is going to be challenging for many.

What can be done to encourage more women into the industry?

It has to start with schools. Encouraging girls in STEM subjects can spark an interest and build confidence in their abilities. There is also a need to show not just technical roles but a whole wealth of opportunity in the industry.

Give us a fact about you that most other people wouldn’t know.

I’m passionate about all aspects of family – I was keen to build a community within NTT DATA to support families and individuals at any stage of their journey, so I launched the Family Network. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and I have met some wonderful individuals along the way. We are here to listen, support, and offer guidance on all parenting topics whenever possible.

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