20 March 2019
19 March 2019
Sungard Availability Services launches cloud public sector offering on AWS
14 March 2019
Scotland’s Improvement Service gives stamp of Digital ID approval to the Yoti app
13 March 2019
Voters like the idea of AI – but not if it means they might lose their jobs, says Boston Consulting Group
12 March 2019
Dame Fiona Caldicott appointed as the first ‘statutory National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care’
7 March 2019
Government responds to highly critical GOV.UK Verify audit
5 March 2019
National Audit Office publishes withering report on Verify’s lack of delivery
5 March 2019
IDC: 2019 could see a 90% jump in global Blockchain investment
28 February 2019
G-Cloud 11 details could be released this week
27 February 2019