
Quarter 3 2020: Cyber Security Update

TDP Advisor for Cybersecurity Lisa Ventura, gives her round up of some of the activity in Cybersecurity across Q3.

Posted 13 October 2020 by Matt Stanley

Welcome to my first quarterly post for Think Digital Partners (TDP) on all thing’s cyber security. As a cyber security professional, I have my finger on the pulse of what is happening when it comes to data breaches and the latest cyber security related news. As part of my role as a cyber security advisor to TDP, I will be reporting on any interesting cyber security projects, news, and initiatives every quarter.

Cyber Security News

With the rise of remote and home working due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cyber security has come more to the forefront for many organisations. Not only have they had to get their entire workforce up and running from home quickly, they have also had to consider the security ramifications around this. Then there is the return to the office – when employee’s start going back to their normal place of work, even if it is just for a couple of days a week with homeworking the rest of the time, this brings new challenges when transferring data and devices back to the office.

Some of the more high profile data breaches that have occurred in the last 3 months include:

The number of cyber-attacks have increased exponentially during the coronavirus pandemic, especially when it comes to phishing and ransomware attacks, and the NCSC have released some guidance for small businesses for how to deal with these.

The State of Phishing in 2020

Phishing attacks are at their highest levels in 3 years, with COVID-19 related phishing attacks growing by over 600% worldwide. Impersonation are the most pervasive and successful form of phishing attack.

Furthermore, the number of data breaches in 2020 so far have almost doubled with 3,950 confirmed breaches against 2,103 recorded breaches in 2019 with the average cost of a data breach standing at $3.86 million. 91% Of Data Breaches start with Spear Phishing. For more information on the state of phishing in 2020, you can view this on-demand webinar.

The Launch of the Cyber Resilience Centres in the UK

Across the UK a set of Cyber Resilience Centres have launched. BRIM, engaged by UK law enforcement and funded by the Home Office, have established and developed the new Cyber Resilience Centres across the UK with consistent strategic objectives to “protect communities, promote economic growth and overall safety” in each locality.

Support and services offered by each CRC is focused on helping SME’s and creating a national talent pipeline.

So far, the following Cyber Resilience Centres have been launched:

Cyber Resilience Centre’s that are coming soon include:

  • The Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales
  • The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West  
  • The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre

Stress and Burnout in Infosec and Cyber Security

According to a recent study from CREST, stress, and burnout in infosec and cyber security is reaching epidemic levels and has increased exponentially during the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, nearly 1 in 3 security team members experience tremendous stress, and this has got markedly worse during the COVID-19 crisis. 27% of CISOs admit their stress levels greatly affect their ability to do their job, while 23% of CISOs say that stress adversely affects their relationships outside of work.

Stress and burnout in infosec and cyber security is reaching epidemic proportions, and it is only set to get worse as the coronavirus pandemic progresses. To find out more, download the CREST report here.

The Launch of the Cyber Security Valley Directory

The Cyber Security Valley project launched in September 2020 with the aim of bringing together and showcasing everything cyber security related in the M5, M4 and M50 corridor. A directory of the leading movers and shakers in the cyber security industry will be created along with organisations, training providers, cyber security projects, research centres will be created as part of the project.

For more information about cyber security valley and how you can get listed in their online directory, visit www.cybersecurityvalley.co.uk.

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