
OWI publishes its 2019 Top Digital Identity 100

List celebrates pioneers, innovators and visionaries working to advance inclusion, improve products and services, keep personal data safe, and protect privacy

Posted 14 February 2019 by Gary Flood

OWI (One World Identity), a market intelligence and strategy firm focused on Identity, trust, and the data economy, says it knows who the most influential people are in Digital Identity… so the question has to be: do you agree?

Its list claims to recognise Digital Identity “influencers and leaders from across the globe”, showcasing a “who’s who of names to know” across the identity space – from entrepreneurs, business leaders and change makers, to security gurus, privacy advocates and more.

The 2019 OWI Top 100 thus identifies the top pioneers, innovators and visionaries who are working to advance inclusion, improve products and services, keep personal data safe, and protect privacy.

The Top 100 ranges from individual entrepreneurs to members of large organisations, and covers both public sector and not-for-profit industry advocates.

Not all names will be familiar to all UK readers, such as U.S. Senator Ron Wyden.

But the point is that if you wanted a one-stop shop to get a sense of the impact Digital Identity is making in everything from fintech, payments, telecommunications, financial services, Digital Identity, Trust & Safety, privacy and more, this is the place to go.

But an even better place may be at our June Think Digital Identity For Government 2019 – which opens its doors at 8.45am on x, and which x.

So here’s an idea: first, check if your name is on the 2019 OWI Top 100… and if it isn’t, sign up for a place at the only one-day conference on the topic in the country that covers both the private and public sectors – and maybe you’ll make it in for next year!

Seriously, though – check out our agenda, here, and see if you agree this could be a good use of your time, if you are interested in Digital Identity: we’re sure you’ll think so to.

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If you are interested in this article, why not register to attend our Think Digital Identity and Cybersecurity for Government conference, where digital leaders tackle the most pressing issues facing government today.

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